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Novel Needle-based SERS Sensor


Transforming Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Novel Needle-Based Sensor

-- A better selective absorption on biomarkers of different CVD

Product Information


Traditional Commercial Nanoparticle-based SERS Sensor

Have long test time and expensive test cost, with low test sensitivity and sample pretreatment.

Novel Needle-based SERS Sensor

Scientific research results on the application of our sensors have been published in top journals of chemical engineering.


Technology Advantages


1. Technology Effect:

Patented technologies on nanostructures enhance Raman signals millions of times

2. Production Advantage:

Needle based SERS sensors Mass-producible Environmentally friendly

3. Technology Accumulation:

Technologies from Hong Kong Branch of National Precious Metals Material Engineering Research Center (NPMM), CityU. Two patents have been licensed

Product Ecosystem

Personal Care Products:

Identification of skin care products, authenticity, and illegal additives

Food Safety:

Detection of antibiotics residual in meat products, food spoilage.

Infectious Diseases Detection:
Detection of infectious diseases.

Law Enforcement:


Drug/ Dangerous explosive analysis.


Chip Detection:

Multi-level detection of electronic materials.

CVD Early Detection:

Early detection cardiovascular diseases.

Project Milestone

Release of disease detection kits

Sensor Production


Release of pesticide testing kit

Release of the second generation of handheld systems

Built Connections to more than 10 collaborators and confirm the application needs of the future products

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