Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering (COCHE)
Be global hub for interdisciplinary cerebro-cardiovascular health engineering research collaboration
Converging global experts in engineering, science, medicine, and law for impactful research in human health.
Research Programmes
Product & Services
A User-centric and Personalized Bio-imaging Platform Connecting Patients with Doctors
Groundbreaking portable medical device revolutionizing preventive screening and chronic disease monitoring of vital organs, including heart and brain. Frequent data collection, personalized analyses, and user-friendly interfaces across both clinic and home platforms connect patients, families and doctors.
Vascular bioimaging wearable system enables reliable continuous blood pressure monitoring
This project focuses on developing wearable and compact Tonoarteriography (TAG) imaging devices, which utilizes Multispectral Tonoarteriography (MSTAG) and Lenseless Camera Technologies for continuous BP imaging and dynamic assessment of microvascular dysfunctions
COCHE in Numbers
Spin-off Companies
Research Projects
Trusted Partnerships
At COCHE, we believe in establishing long-term partnerships with our partners and investors. We work closely with some of the most trusted names in the healthcare industry to produce the products with the highest quality .
Funded by
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In collaboration with
Academic Partners
Industrial Partners
Community Engagement