Three COCHE Co-PIs have been awarded by the Research Grants Council (RGC) for their outstanding research projects in 2023/24.
Professor Yu HUANG’s project, titled “Single-Cell Multi-Omics Study of Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: Narrowing the Gap Between Bench and Bedside” has secured HK$55.51 million in Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS).
Professor Chunyi ZHI has been granted Senior Research Fellowship award (SRFS) with HK$7.8 million. His project is “Lean-water hydrogel/solid polymer hybrid electrolytes based quasi-solid-state zinc batteries with >20000 cycling lifespan for energy storage”.
Professor Xinge YU has been awarded for the Research Fellow Scheme (RFS). He receives the fellowship grant of HK$5.2 million for supporting project on “Skin-Integrated and Multi-functional Closed Loop Human Machine Interface: Sensing, Actuation, and System Integration”.
Congratulations to our Co-PIs. We hope they will continue to go all out in the future and produce impactful research results.
More information about
1. RGC Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS)
2. RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS)