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Congratulations –Triumph at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering (COCHE) is proud to announce that a research team led by Dr. Xinge YU won the Gold Medal Prize at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in Switzerland. Dr. Xinge YU and Dr. Jiyu LI’s research project, focusing on thermal management for wearable and skin electronics, was awarded for its innovative approach to achieving effective cooling through the use of an ultra-thin, soft, radiative-cooling interface (USRI). Thermal management is a key factor in the development of wearable electronics and skin electronics and is one of the most critical factors in making wearable devices miniaturized and multifunctional. “Our radiative-cooling interface (USRI) is flexible and lightweight which does not only effectively manage the heat generation of skin electronics, but also improve the efficiency and operational stability of stretchable epidermal electronics. It could facilitate the use of electronic skin in various scenarios, including healthcare monitoring,” said Dr. Jiyu LI. “We are honoured to receive this award which serves as a recognition for our team's endeavour and innovative capabilities.” COCHE has been making all-out efforts on promoting pioneering innovations and encouraging researchers to join the international activities. With this recognition, COCHE looks forward to further advancing its research and development efforts in the field of wearable devices and skin electronics.


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